Wow, it was hard to get a good "clean" picture of all three...
This was the first bath Jude took with the other two. He was totally fine with Micah pouring water on his head. We often put kids in the shower with us because it is a really fast way to bathe them, I guess they get used to water in their eyes.
It's hard to believe Jude is almost 6 months. He looks so small in the highchair, but he loves food and is pretty good about getting it in his mouth.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
People are always commenting on how Micah and Luke look alike. We were talking during dinner and I said, "Micah do you look like daddy?" His response, "no, I have more hair"
In Michigan we went apple picking with my parents and our good friends Joe and Em. I had my camera, but no batteries so I stole these pictures from their blog. My parents came too and Uncle Tim picked a bushel of apples in about 10 minutes. He was all business. He was not there to enjoy the day (which was beautiful- 68 and sunny)
The whole gang (well, not the whole gang- poor third child was sleeping)
Chloe, Levi, Micah and Noah. (Noah is about six months older than Micah and Levi is about 4 months younger than Chloe)
Blogger only lets me add 5 pictures at a time, but I had to post these of Chloe. I have decided that the experts are right and marshmallows are choking hazards. She could hardly breathe with it in her mouth, but she was more interested in eating it than breathing!
We went to MI last weekend to visit my parents and our good friend who had a birthday. Micah and Grandma has a lot of fun making a scarecrow!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
We have communion in our church every Sunday. Micah often asks us about it and today I had to share the conversation. (this all took place in a whisper of course)
Micah: I want some bread too.
Luke: We will talk about it later.
Micah: Why do you get to eat it dad?
Luke: We take communion to remind us that Jesus died for us.
Micah: Oh, I always forget Jesus
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Micah: Mommy are you ok?
Me: Yeah Micah, Why?
Micah: You are a little crabby. Do you need a nap?
Me: Sorry Micah, maybe I am a little tired.
Micah: Mom, I'm big you know. I can watch the kids while you get a rest.
It was a really cool morning here so I sent the kids outside. I wasn't hearing much so I thought I'd check on them. Micah was on top of his car, a rope tied around his waist trying to string the rope through the hook. I have no idea what was going on, but it must have been between him and the dinosaur- I'm pretty sure they were having a conversation.
Chloe didn't make it into the pictures, but she was in the corner on her haunches saying, "ooh be careful. be careful micah be careful" over and over and over...
I took Jude and Chloe to the doctor today. We have a great pediatrician who has Saturday and Sunday office hours. I was debating if I should bring them in, but decided to when Jude felt hot. Sure enough, they both have bad ear infections. How's a mom to know? Do these kids look sick?
Emily is a friend of ours (and our kids) who lives in Chicago now. She came in town this weekend and watched our kids Saturday night so we could go out. Our kids love her and Jude had plenty of smiles for her (even though it was hours past bedtime)